The Mindful Lab is a multi-modal neurophysiological acquisition system that provides for EEG, EMG, ECG, GSR, SPO2 and more. Configured to be portable, battery operated and fully capable of the widget range of physiological experiments, Mindful Lab is an ideal solution for a wide range of neuroscience applications.  Compatibility and configurations is the trademark of the Mindful Lab.  Expand your neurophysiological research with an adaptable system allowing for a variety of electrode application methods, rigger inputs, data storage and data output options. 



Modular Design

• Ultimate electrode cap flexibility, Flat Cap, Cup Cap, Saline Net, Custom Configurations
• Wearable, comfortable, fast donning
• Hot-swappable batteries for long-term use

Accurate Synchronization

• 5GHz wifi data transmission avoids packet loss and signal interference
• Patented synchronized for interbrain ERP hyper-scanning
• Multi-modal Synchronized with minimal trigger jitter

Multiple Software Options

• Collect Acquisition Software
-Signal quality index
-LSL streaming via TCP/IP socket
-API for Windows
• Analysis Software
-Analysis toolkit for offline data
-Friendly GUI with batch processing
• Compatible with E-prime/ Psychtoolbox/ PsychoPy etc.

Powerful Options

• Optional HD-EMG, sEMG, CEEG, ECG, GSR, SpO2, 
• Compatible with VR\AR 
• Integrated with tES system for closed-loop operation
• Customized technology development services
• Webcam for behavior detection

Mindful Hub

Mindful Hub provides a system monitoring solution to ensure critical information is at your finger tips.This includes battery status, wireless trigger connections,network connection and recording to disc information.


Mindful Hub supports the Mindful Lab, Mindful Stim Lab and Mindful EMG systems. Fully integrated with both the amplifier and trigger module,Mindful Hub provides the ultimate in mobility while providing critical information about devices,connections and data quality.

Collect - Acquisition


Collect provides streamlined setup, impedance checking, quality monitoring, data visualization and export options support EEG and ERP acquisition. Whether it is a simple EEG recording or a complex experimental protocol including hyperscanning Collect makes acquisition simple.


• Advanced montage editor

• Trigger integration

• Impedance monitoring

• Signal quality validation

• Multi-channel visualization

• Real time re-referencing

• Online noise filtering

• Multi-modal visualization

• Multi-Sampling rate support

• EDF, BDF export

• LSL data streaming

• Advanced API integration


Mindful Lab

Multi-Modal Neurophysiological Acquisition System